..:: massive photo dump warning ::..
{ summer play }

fort tilden. bike ride.
there hasn't been much going on here fun-wise. in the past couple years i haven't been much
of an NYC summer fan, and i'm glad it's subsiding and we're going into fall...
most of the summer has been spent on working... experimenting...
and instagramming in lieu of blogging, apparently.
and lazy blogging by clustering all the accumulated instagram photos. yikes!! >_<

4th of july on the 17th floor, upper west side.
hanging on our roof.
creepy cat.
silly cat.
some backyard dining on cooler evenings.
{ around the studio }
{ rambles / thoughts}
lots of different kinds of works this summer - most of june, i took a break from my regular
kind of works and did some fun projects for myself.
the wire sculptures seen above are my
Ruth Asawa studies.
because i'm very slow, it only took me ages to figure out her techniques (kind of). and i already
knew how to knit and crochet. :/
this reset my eyes and my mind to start some new works - i feel like i finally started to reconcile
some deeper rooted ideas and interests of my own within my work so far... maybe. it's something
i've struggled with in the past couple years.
something about the mathematical nature of the wire looping got me going on geometric shapes
(which i've always loved and appreciated but didn't quite take enough bold steps to incorporate
into my own works) got me started on some other geometric forms and shapes - 3d and 2d both.
having been obsessed with the wire looping for weeks, it was hard to start painting again in 2d.
which is why i started with some wood-cut shapes to draw and paint on.
a compromise, in a way.
thinking and working through all this, i feel that i have a new vision for new possibilities - still
incubating and marinating in my head, but there are some new ideas and projects afloat in my
head. can't wait for the fall/winter/spring!!
+ all works seen above are mostly for my shows in the fall - 2-person show,
Borrowed Memories,
then a group show curated by
Mari Inukai at
GR2 for her daughter's 20th birthday.