L'ingénue. 9"x12". Acrylic, Colored Pencil & Crayon on Maple Panel. © 2012.
above is the last piece to be finished in my current studio space/apartment, as we're due to move
(within brooklyn, to another neighborhood) in a few days.
i've been cordially invited to participate in a group show entitled (and very tellingly so) "Femme Fatale",
curated by Stephanie Chefas and Nicole Bruckman.
the show opens this Saturday, February 25th, 2012, at Cella Gallery, North Hollywood.
you can request a preview of the show through the gallery, or sneak some amazing peeks through
also, Stephanie Chefas (who co-curated the show) kindly did a short interview with me
on her site, Platinum Cheese, which you can read here.
above is the first progress shot, dated june 2011 (!!).
it obviously didn't take the entire 7-8 months long to paint this, but there were a lot
of times of resting this piece down and not thinking about it, then picking it up.
the more paintings i make, the more i feel that each of them have a personality of
their own - this one felt like a young, prepubescent tween to me, not sure of its
identity or personality, and kind of springing about unexpectedly.
but in the end it did calm down and sat with me until i "tamed" it to the finish...
though it took some effort.