i'll be holding my annual Small Originals Studio Sale (like in '10 & twice in '11) this saturday!
Saturday, December 1st
2pm EST
although due to many personal tasks i had to tend to this year, i don't that many pieces as in the
past - but probably around 15-20 pieces, perhaps - so please mark your calendars!
past - but probably around 15-20 pieces, perhaps - so please mark your calendars!
i might be doing another small sale the weekend after, of post-it notes for those who can't make it to
Giant Robot's 8th annual post-it drawing show (where each piece is $25, cash-and- carry) in LA.
Giant Robot's 8th annual post-it drawing show (where each piece is $25, cash-and- carry) in LA.
also some new products i forgot to mention here!
artist olivia mew of stay home club made these awesome line of art patches (in addition to her other
amazing line of artists' fabric goods), a couple of the designs using my artwork from my last show!
amazing line of artists' fabric goods), a couple of the designs using my artwork from my last show!
Ikiryo 01 Patch, $6, available here!
Ikiryo 08 Patch, available here!
i've gotten a sample of them here and they're really awesome!

printed on nice quality canvas, you could frame them (since i'll never release these ikiryo series as
a print), or cut them up into individual shapes and sew/iron them onto your clothes, bags, pillows, etc!
view all her other fun patches here!