thanks for "coming" for a peek or a purchase for my last studio sale a couple weekends ago!
i was so surprised at how fast they flew off the shelf, thanks to you all.
so i'm having another super low budget sale this weekend - very last minute but hope you can make it!
Saturday, December 15th
2pm EST
this time, it will be mostly post-it notes for those who couldn't make it to Giant Robot's
8th annual post-it drawing show in LA, or for those who did go there but didn't end up procuring one
after standing in line for hours!
because of the scanning/packing/shipping process, the post-its will be $30-35 instead, but hopefully
that will still remain affordable originals for many (cheaper than some of my prints!).
i'll also have a few ink study pieces and maybe a half finished study painting listed as well.
thank you and "see" you this weekend in the shop!