Friday, July 03, 2009

things other than painting

the cats like to come hang out with me and doze off while i paint.
they have been very content lately since i've been home all the time.

noodles (always sitting with the same paw positions):

bento, sleeping at my easel base :

the sky has been so amazing lately outside my window :

i feel lucky to have such a great view of the skyline out the window,
i never would have noticed how turbulently beautiful the sky has been otherwise,
being a hermit that i have been all of june.

these are via one day when the sky was insane :


  1. Beautiful images.
    Are you cats British Blue? Love their colouring. Super names too!

  2. Beautiful! The cat- and the heaven-pictures!
    sunny greetings from hot and humid germany, geisslein

  3. wow that looks like where I lived in greenpoint.
    Nice shots.

  4. Also, OMG I remember that day when the sky looked like it was bubbling down to the ground, it was The last, last friday I believe.
    So awesome.

  5. What are nice names for cats! xD
