good morning!
now that it's been a bit over 2 weeks since the move,
i am starting to feel at home at our place and the neighborhood.
despite having moved all my life (possibly over 20 times),
it's still a tiring process, if not more so with age.
i'm loving & getting used to my new studio, though,
slowly breaking it in by working on (and worrying about) some new ideas...
i feel that the new environment has already shifted my perspective
even in the way i see my work.
and i have my very own studio windows now!!
not only do i get great northern exposure,
but i also see a beautiful sunset over the manhattan skyline.
kitties adjusted to the new place rather quickly,
they are loving running up and down our long railroad apartment.
(currently working to finish a piece for the ad for my july solo show
thinkspace - i'm so behind because of the move!)